ウォーターワールド 香港オーシャンパーク
Enjoy Learning in Nature!

STEAM Student Competition 2023

STEAM Student Competition 2023 is proudly presented by Ocean Park, Fortinet, Hong Kong Wetland Park and China Mobile Hong Kong. Students from local primary and secondary schools are invited to submit their innovative solutions for animal conservation.  

Cyber security and animal conservation are closely related. Cyber security highly enhances the efficiency in animal conservation by providing a secured monitoring system and predicting the path of animal migrations, especially birds. All the data collected from these systems will be uploaded to the cloud storage system. In this case, scientists could easily reach the data they need for their research and studies from afar. However, if there are loopholes in the network system, criminals may use the data recorded to track and hunt the animal in the wild for illegal poaching. Therefore, cyber security is essential in animal conservation. 

Participants of this year's competition, with the help of artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), cyber security elements and design thinking, have to create an 5G intelligent artificial bird nest for monitoring and protecting wild birds in Hong Kong. During the design process, participants will conduct in-depth discussions and research on wetland conservation, AIoT and network security. The completed projects may be installed inside Ocean Park or within the school campus, hoping to attract wild birds to inhabit and breed.  

Institutions and organizations from different areas are invited to cooperate in this competition, creating multi-angle experiences and attempts for the academic field. Hong Kong Wetland Park will provide experience sharing and guided tours on wetland conservation and artificial bird nests; China Mobile Hong Kong will provide technical instructions and hardware support to guide students on the application of AIoT systems, such as identifying bird species and characteristics, controlling the humidity and temperature in the artificial bird nests, to ensure smooth operation of the system. 

It is an honour to have cyber security expert, Fortinet, with us once again this year to share a series of network security solutions with students. Through interactive games, sharing sessions and workshops, participants can better understand the importance of network security and choose the suitable solutions to apply on their works.  

Theme of the Competition


There are still a lot of unsolved mysteries regarding the environment and wildlife that we have yet to learn. In Hong Kong alone, there are more than 500 species of birds. In order to reduce the disturbance to birds and efficiently collect accurate data for future conservation, the production of artificial bird nests do not only provide a safe home for the wild birds, but together with Artificial intelligence Internet of Things (AIoT), network security and high-tech configuration, they also help to observe and record the situation in the bird nests in real time, which can help effectively grasping the relevant data of wild birds.   

However, if cybercriminals steal the information in the intelligent artificial bird nests, they can accurately track the location of the wild birds. If the information is leaked, it may attract the public to go bird watching, or even destroy the habitat. In severe cases, it will even affect the reproduction of wild birds and the growth of the fledgling. In short, AIoT and a secure and fast network system are essential to the conservation of birds and the adjacent habitats. 

Theme of the Competition Participants are required to 
5G AI Bird Nests
  1. Design and create a 5G AI bird nest suitable for wild birds and
  2. Configure the device for collecting data in the nest and
  3. Conceive methods to transfer data through a secure network


  1. Hong Kong local Primary and Secondary schools​
  2. Maximum of 2 teams from each school
  3. Maximum of 3 students in each team and each student can only be in 1 team
  4. At least 1 supervising teacher from each school
  5. Top 4 schools in each level of the First Round Assessment will be selected to enter the Final Round Presentation

Competition divisions

  • Primary Division
  • Secondary Division

Competition Timeline

Date & Time Content
January 11, 2023 (Wednesday) 23:59 Application Deadline for Competition Online Briefing Session 
January 14, 2023 (Saturday) 10:00 – 11:00  [Primary Division & Secondary Division] Online Briefing Session 
February 1, 2023 (Wednesday) 23:59  Application Deadline for Online Experience Sharing Session and Expert Talk 
February 4, 2023 (Saturday) 10:30 – 12:30  [Primary Division] Online Experience Sharing Session and Expert Talk 
February 4, 2023 (Saturday) 15:00 – 17:00  [Secondary Division] Online Experience Sharing Session and Expert Talk 
February 27, 2023 (Monday) 23:59  Deadline for Enrolling the Competition 
March 10, 2023 (Friday)  

Announcement of Finalists 
(The result will be announced through email ) 

For Finalist:

Competition Website

Please visit the STEAM Competition website for the details and application deadline of the activities.


For enquiries, please contact us at (852) 3923 2323 or via email at STEAM@oceanpark.com.hk

Frequently Asked Questions