ウォーターワールド 香港オーシャンパーク

Let's Meet the Animals!

Seize the chance to meet our animal ambassadors! Join the limited-time, free-entry sessions for Ocean Park Annual Members to meet the adorable giant pandas, meerkats, dolphins and more up close! Caretakers will teach you about the habits of different animals and share interesting experiences about their care. You can also take a photo with the animal ambassadors to capture the precious moment! Join us now to become an Annual Members and enjoy some fun time with our animal friends. 
How to join:
  1. Ocean Park Annual Members can visit Ocean Park Annual Members Concierge on the designated activity days to get two Let's Meet the Animals! programme tickets. Quota is limited on a first-come, first-served basis, while stocks last.
  2. Ocean Park Annual Members must present their valid membership for verification purposes upon getting the free-entry programme ticket.
  3. All Day Delight ticket holders can upgrade to Ocean Park Annual Members to join the programme.
  4. Complete any session of the Let's Meet the Animals! programme to get a stamp.

* Full event-days include:
16-17, 22-25, 27-31 March 2024
1-7, 13-14, 20-21, 27-28 April 2024
1-5, 11-12, 15, 18-19 May 2024

Terms and Conditions

  1. Participants must be aged 3 or above, and participants aged 3-11 must be accompanied by an adult (except "Coral & Coral Fish" programme).
  2. "Coral & Coral Fish": Both adults and children are welcome. Participants aged below 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
  3. The programme duration is approximately 15 minutes and it will be conducted in Cantonese, supplemented with simple English and Putonghua.
  4. Participants must arrive at the gathering point 5 minutes before the scheduled start time of the programme, latecomers will be regarded as absentees.
  5. Participants must at all times strictly follow every instruction given by the Park's staff to the satisfaction of the staff giving the instruction. The Park's staff shall at all times have the full and final right to determine whether any participant is suitable for the programme and may refuse if refusal is necessary to ensure safety or order.
  6. Participants will not have physical contact with our animal during the programme.
  7. Participants must strictly follow the instruction given by the Park’s staff for the use of all forms of photography, videography and mobile devices during the programme.
  8. Any change of the collected programme ticket is not accepted.
  9. Cancellation of the programme may be made in the following circumstances: 
    • Inclement weather, including but not limited to:
      - "Sea Lion"/ "Dolphin": the hoisting of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 or above, or rainstorm warning (amber, red or black) issued by Hong Kong Observatory; or
      - "Meerkat"/ "Giant panda"/ "Red Panda"/ "Coral & Coral Fish"/ "Walrus"/ "Seal": the hoisting of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above or a Black Rainstorm Warning issued by Hong Kong Observatory; or
    • Any safety issue regarding any participant, staff or animals; or
    • Decision for immediate cancellation of the Programme at sole discretion of the Head of Zoological Operations & Conservation Division of the Park or his/ her delegate.
  10. Ocean Park Annual Members can visit Ocean Park Annual Members Concierge on the designated activity days to get two activity ticket on a first-come, first-served basis. Maximum TWO tickets of either same or different sessions daily can be obtained per guest.
  11. To ensure sufficient travelling time to the programme venue, please note the closing time of ticket collection of respective programme as follows,
    - "Sea Lion"/ "Dolphin"/ "Walrus"/ "Seal": 45 minutes before the scheduled start time
    - "Meerkat"/ "Giant Panda"/ "Red Panda"/ "Coral & Coral Fish": 30 minutes before the scheduled start time
  12. In case of disputes, the decisions of Ocean Park Corporation shall be final and binding.